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AP Physics
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CP & AP Physics Adjusted Class Policies for Spring 2003
Conceptual Physics: 
Class Policies Adjusted for Spring 2003
Grade Breakdown
Quizzes:  25%
Labs: 25%
Tests: 30%
Final: 20%
There are some changes to the policy from Fall:
  • The lowest quiz & lab score will no longer be dropped.
  • You will have x.c. opportunities to sub for missed quizzes & labs.
  • Due to time restrictions, tests will cover two chapters instead of one. 

Makeups:  Make-ups will be given for legitimate reasons.  You can make up labs by consulting with your lab group or doing a virtual online lab (with teacher approval).

Citizenship:  Citizenship grades are S for Satisfactory, or U for Unsatisfactory.  If behavior is questionable, the teacher will inform parent/guardian and seek administrative action if necessary.  Consult the JFK hand book for information on disciplinary action

Quizzes:  25%
Labs: 20%
Tests:  30%
Final 25%
Grading program used will be Making the Grade
Because this program does no register decimals, I will scale your AP (1-5) by 10.  (i.e. instead of 5 being the highest score, 50 will be the highest). 
Grade Breakdown:
86%-100% = A
76%-85.9% = B
66%-75.9% = C
Below 55% = F
Extra Credit will be recorded under the quiz portion of your grade.
Some changes:
1.  AP Question of the Day (QOD) One week's worth of QOD's will replace a bad quiz.
2.  No more group quizzes.  Instead, everyone will get a quiz and work with their group.  Each person is responsible for his or her own quiz.
3.  Homework will no longer be collected as a quiz.  Instead quizzes may be given based on a homework assignment.
4.  I will stay after school Wednesdays from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. to help folks who are having problems in class.
5.  I will be constructing my own tests.  The format remains the same. 
6.  No make-ups for quizzes (QOD option)
7.  The lowest test score will be dropped in June 2003.
8.  The final will cover topics from January through June 2003.